Off Road 4×4 Competition – Event Video

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February 2009. Ao Nang, Krabi, Thailand. Off Road Competition.

A round of the Southern Thailand Off Road competition was hosted in Ao Nang.

Various classes of 4×4 vehicles compete over two days.

The class winner has the shortest aggregate time over all of the heats. Each car seats the driver and the navigator. The navigator is also responsible for starting and stopping the timing clock on each round and organising the vehicle winching when it’s required – not for the faint-hearted.

The Ao Nang courses included: a fast track with berms, jumps and a water-filled sump; a tight-turning jungle course; a short but very technical bush-whack; a river crossing and a severe up-hill.

Lots of fun and excitement…..event video by Pushing Fin.

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